Thursday, September 8, 2011

Balloon Festival

Sooo big!
Sarah and I decided to brave the heat and take the kids to the Hot Air Balloon Fesitval in Dansville last week.  I'm so glad we went.  The kids had so much fun (and so did we). Ava didn't know what to think of the balloons.  She just kept pointing at them.  Mason and Morgan tried to take Ava into one of the bounce houses but she wasn't too sure about it.  The attendant allowed me to go in with her and she had a ball!  Ava wouldn't stop laughing and when our time was up she didn't want to leave. 

 One of the highlights of the festival was an old balloon that was inflated with fans on the ground.  The kids were able to run around and play in it.  They had a blast!

Inside the balloon...just taking it all in.


All done!

This was the best picture we were able to get of the 5 of us.  Try again next year!

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