Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Weekend

Swimming with Daddy and Grandma Linda

Happy 4th of July! 

We had a very busy (but fun!) weekend!  On Saturday, Grandma Linda, Opa, Great Grandma Louie and Ozzie came for dinner.  It was a beautiful day!
check out that form!



On Sunday, we met my parents at Godfrey's Pond for the Van Scoy's annual picnic.  Ava had a wonderful time!

Visiting the birds

walking with Grandma

hanging out with Papa

Ava and her Daddy

Grandma and Papa even participated in the water balloon toss!

checking out the festival

We hung around the house during the day on Monday, then went to check out the Chili Chil-E-Fest and the parade.  We stayed for about half of the parade and then came home for dinner.  I think Ava was happy to spend time playing at home.

waiting for the parade to start

touring the parade route

having fun in her house

Isn't she adorable!?
Such a happy little girl!

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